Chart Primer
Prepared 2015-08-13 by Bill Claff, last revised 2015-08-20

The purpose of this documentation is to illustrate the various features of the charts so as to make them more useful to you.


Generally there will be a scrollable alphabetical camera model list on the right hand side of the chart:

Toggle the desired cameras on or off using the camera model list. The data will be displayed and the selected camera models show as bold and in the legend:

Clicking on a camera model in the legend will often display additional data:

Hovering over the chart will also provide more detailed information on specific data points:

Generally, you can use the mouse to select a rectangle to zoom in on a selction of the chart:

Note that when zoomed in there is a Reset zoom button to return the chart to its normal state:

The print button allows you to print the chart:

Note that only the chart shows while the print dialog box is displayed:

The export button is a great way to take a "screen shot":

I generally choose png for my output:

The link button is the ideal way to return to the chart with the current selections intact:


Try to provide a link back to the chart whenever you post a screen shot.
This gives your audience the opportunity to interact with the chart.


There is often additional information below the chart.
For example, a table may be present:

Note that table column headers are clickable to perform sorting:


Look for the Further Reading section as this may provide answers to common questions:

In scatter charts you can click on items in the legend to control the visibility:

Remember, you can zoom in as well as mouse over data points:

Bar charts are not zoom‑able but do have the same legend click behavior:

Note that the color of the axis labels matches the color of the bars.